Chloé Moglia

24 & 25 juillet - Monnaie de Paris

"Hanging is hanging on to the branches in a crumbling world. It is also to register in the high / low dimension, in the axis of our verticality, and to distinguish the heavy from the light. Knowing how to descend into oneself so that a relative weightlessness results. "

Alone, suspended 7 meters from the void, Chloé Moglia offers a choreography to the millimeter on her strange apparatus with three concave legs: "the Curve". The Horizon unfolded here is full of tension and, paradoxically, relaxation. Time freezes and the spectacular is invented in happy sobriety, far from the accumulation of effects and mediums.

The circus circus moves smoothly, explores gravity while controlling the extremities, curls up and stretches. In an infinite variation around the void, its acuity of the senses, totally turned towards time
present, tames the danger in front of the audience which holds its breath.

Powerful and light, she cultivates a silence from which listening is born and where the imagination is developed.