TUMULTES • 2nd edition - episodes 3 & 4

Theatrical and radio exploration at the Cité scolaire Jacques-Decour

de sept. 2020 à mai 2021 - Lycée Jacques Decour



« Djouste Pol Guinguin »

The sumptuous dress of Marilyn Monroe in Men prefer blondes, the Merda d'artista by Piero Manzoni, the paintings by Picasso, the Christo exhibition at the Centre Pompidou, a photo posted by a friend on instagram, the art described as " degenerate ”… the 2nde6 of Lycée Jacques-Decour shared with us the memory of the works or artistic gestures that most marked, fascinated or disgusted them.

With actor Benjamin Tholozan, they wondered about artistic ruptures and scandals: is everything allowed in art? can everything be considered art? Is art the only area where it is still "forbidden to forbid"?

By reading texts (Musée haut, Musée bas by Jean-Michel Ribes, Attures à sa vie by Martin Crimp, etc.) and the staging of tableaux vivants, they questioned the notions of "representation", "character" and of "dramaturgy" and tried to unravel the Pol Guinguin mystery.




« Al dente »


Yanis has an contagious laugh, a teasing gaze and boundless energy. Like Pinocchio who dreams of becoming a real little boy, he thirsts for movement and a furious need to live: to speak, to move, to play. For him, everything is “al dente”.

With his classmates from 3rd 5 and actor Benjamin Tholozan, this time they will question the prohibition linked to lies, through the version of the tale revisited by Joël Pommerat. Is there a right to lie? Are all the reasons to lie the same? Can we enjoy it without feeling guilty?

Alternately murderers, crooks, fairy (Franco-Colombian), schoolmaster and donkey seller, they lend their voice to all the figures who revolve around Pinocchio and put to the test his representation of the world, still marked by naivety but also the cruelty and charm of childhood.