TUMULTES 2021 - Season 2

Theatrical and radiophonic exploration at Cité scolaire Jacques Decour

2020/2021 - Lycée Jacques Decour

In the wake of the first edition of Tumultes, an artistic residence installed at the Lycée Jacques-Decour, two actors (Antonin Meyer-Esquerré and Benjamin Tholozan), a radio director (Michelle Soulier) and a sound engineer (Cédric Lalanne) will lead workshops in 6 classes of the establishment.


This time it is the notion of the forbidding that adolescents will question through theatrical practice and the radio medium, echoing the next creation of the company La Brèche / Lorraine de Sagazan *, around Krzysztof Kieslowki's Decalogue.


Whether political or artistic, family or romantic, the forbidding will be explored collectively from various materials (testimonies and interviews, real or fictional, historical or more directly topical words ...), put into play and in play in different areas of the school.


The Labo group outside of school time, also nourished by the work done in class and accompanied by artists throughout the year, will present a carte blanche combining theater, performance and radio creation in May 2021.


Find on this page and our social networks the different sound episodes that will be produced during the workshops.


* You were able to discover the last show of the company La Brèche / Lorraine de Sagazan, L’Absence de père, during the 2019 edition of the Paris Summer Festival.






With the support of the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Île-de-France Region, the Lycée Jacques-Decour and the City of Paris.